1. Press Select Tool icon 2. Click and draw a box over orders to select and highlight (NOTE: Press and hold Ctrl key and click to select individual orders on map) 3. Select Assign tool to assign highlighted orders to route 4. Orders have been ...
1. Select un-geocoded order on Open Orders grid, then right-click 2. Select the Geocode menu option 3. Select available coordinates from Candidate List or Manually Geocode by placing a pin on a map ... click on Apply to save
1. In the Account Management section in Dispatch, right-click on account on the Search Results grid 2. Create new order, then click Save 3. Assign order to selected route
1. Click on Create New Order icon 2. Search for Customer Account Location using Search Criteria 3. Select Account and Create Order Record 4 (a). Create BULK Sales Order 4 (b). Create Cylinder Sales Order